Yahoo! unveiled Yahoo! onePlace a mobile content management solution. designed to be an essential tool to enable consumers to better manage the wide selection of content available across the Internet.
Yahoo! onePlace brings together a consumer’s interests, passions and iinformation into a single location - creating a personalized experience. Everything is instantly organized, dynamically kept current, and served to them the way they want.
Yahoo! onePlace ise based on a familiar process of using bookmarks to instantly link to practically any piece of content (news feeds, web sites, videos, images, emails, search queries, etc.) from anywhere across the Internet. Once in Yahoo! onePlace, everything will be kept automatically updated (with the latest game score, stock price, etc.) as well as assigned categories and tags - or placed into customized “collections” that consumers create - making it extremely intuitive for consumers to find and combine their content in the ways most useful to them.
Yahoo! onePlace will be available in Q2 2008.
Yahoo! onePlace will allow consumers to stay better informed on the
topics they care about, with less work - for
their daily interests (e.g., favorite sports teams or stocks), as well
as those they only care about on a selective basis. For example, if a
user is planning a holiday to Paris in June, he could create a “Paris”
collection, and begin linking it to any information he thinks will be
useful to him on his trip: weather conditions, city guides, restaurant
reviews, hotel reservations, walking maps, songs of Edith Piaf,
English-French dictionaries, winery recommendations, etc. Yahoo!
onePlace will give consumers a single location to consume all of their
information contextually, keeping it updated (so they know, for example,
if their flight times have changed) and instantly accessible whenever
and however they want it. The product will be configured to allow
consumers to do the same for literally hundreds of different topics.
Yahoo! onePlace is designed to include the following features, which
will allow consumers to:
<table class="bwtablebottommargin" id="t5625321_1" cellspacing="0">
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="2" id="t5625321_1_0_655200" rowspan="1">
<p class="bwcellparagraphmargin">
— <b>Centralized and open content management</b> - Centralize and
manage all the content they care about, from anywhere on the
Internet, accessible from a single location and arranged to best
meet their preferences. The product is also designed to allow
consumers to link to any favorite content they’ve already
personalized on the Yahoo! network (e.g., MyYahoo!, flickr, or at other popular websites (e.g., Digg,
Last.FM, reddit, Yelp(R)).
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="2" id="t5625321_1_1_655200" rowspan="1">
<p class="bwcellparagraphmargin">
— <b>Personalized views</b> - Enjoy their content based on their
specific needs:
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="1" id="t5625321_1_2_655200" rowspan="1">
<p class="bwcellparagraphmargin">
— Collections - Group content in a way that makes sense. For
example, create a collection related to an upcoming trip, or of
favorite 80s bands.
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
<br /></td>
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="1" id="t5625321_1_3_655200" rowspan="1">
— Categories - Organize content according to commonly-used subjects
(e.g., celebrities, local businesses, sports), making it easy to
access and retrieve.
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
<br /></td>
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="1" id="t5625321_1_4_655200" rowspan="1">
— Pulse - Stream updates relevant to users’ content, such as flight
status changes, new songs by a favorite music artist, or a
restaurant review.
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
<br /></td>
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="1" id="t5625321_1_5_655200" rowspan="1">
— Favorites - Surface the content a consumer uses most frequently.
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="2" id="t5625321_1_6_655200" rowspan="1">
<p class="bwcellparagraphmargin">
— <b>Dynamic updates</b> - See previews for selected sources that
are kept fresh throughout the day - giving users a single location
for a view of what’s going on across their world.
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="2" id="t5625321_1_7_655200" rowspan="1">
<p class="bwcellparagraphmargin">
— <b>Mobile RSS reader</b> - Use a mobile RSS reader integrated
into Yahoo! onePlace - providing a simple way to read and
subscribe to their favorite feeds.
<td class="bwcellpaddingleft0 bwverticalaligntop bwtextalignleft" colspan="2" id="t5625321_1_8_655200" rowspan="1">
<p class="bwcellparagraphmargin">
— <b>Smart organization</b> - Create a rich experience around a
specific topic by grouping whatever content they find most useful.
Yahoo! onePlace is expected to launch, along with Yahoo! oneConnect<span id="bwanpa40">™</span>,
in Q2 2008, joining Yahoo!<span id="bwanpa41">'</span>s award-winning
mobile product portfolio, which includes Yahoo! Go 3.0, Yahoo!<span id="bwanpa42">'</span>s
new mobile homepage and Yahoo! oneSearch<span id="bwanpa43">™</span>.
After its release, Yahoo! onePlace is expected to become available
across hundreds of devices and mobile browsers around the world.
For more information on Yahoo! onePlace, go to <a target="_blank" href="" shape="rect"></a>.
<b>About Yahoo!</b>
Yahoo! Inc. is a leading global Internet brand and one of the most
trafficked Internet destinations worldwide. Yahoo! is focused on
powering its communities of users, advertisers, publishers, and
developers by creating indispensable experiences built on trust. Yahoo!
is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.
For more information on Yahoo! Mobile please visit <a target="_blank" href="" shape="rect"></a>.
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