The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), (, which
represents more than 600 companies across the mobile marketing
ecosystem, today announced the release of its global Mobile Advertising
The first set of global guidelines issued by the
association, are designed to encourage the uptake of mobile advertising
by brands worldwide whilst enhancing and protecting the customer’s
experience, by creating a framework for brands and media companies to
deliver mobile advertising in a positive and consistent way. The
guidelines have received industry endorsements from associations such
as IAB UK and Mexico, dotMobi Advisory Group (MAG), ADMA and others.
The Global guidelines capitalise on the progress made in 2007 with
the publication of region specific Mobile Advertising Guidelines for
North America, Asia Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa. The
regional guidelines have been integrated into a global guideline to
ensure a consistent approach to mobile advertising worldwide.
“The creation of ad guidelines by the MMA ensures that the industry
is taking a proactive approach to keep subscriber experience, content
integrity and simplified execution as the driving forces behind all
mobile advertising programs,” said Laura Marriott, President, Mobile
Marketing Association.
The guidelines provide improved formats around mobile web and have
added new guidelines for messaging (including SMS and MMS) and
downloadables. The MMA has also introduced a publication called Mobile
Advertising Overview which will help those new to the space get
educated. The guidelines include recommended aspect ratios and banner
dimensions, maximum file sizes, file formats and other technical
“To ensure the best consumer mobile marketing experience, it is
essential to have industry-wide accepted advertising guidelines,” said
Stephanie Bauer, Marketing Manager for Verizon. “The MMA and its
committees continue to update these guidelines reflecting the most
up-to-date practices for marketers across the globe.”
“The MMA has been leading the development of mobile advertising
guidelines for the global marketplace,” said Will Hodgman, CEO of
M:Metrics. “We are pleased to be working with them to create a
sustainable advertising environment to help drive even faster
development of mobile advertising globally.”
The Mobile Advertising Committee was created to establish a library
of format and policy guidelines for advertising within content on
mobile devices and is comprised of MMA member companies including:
4INFO, Inc., Action Engine, Ad Infuse, Inc., AdMob, Inc., AKQA Mobile,
Amobee, Media Systems, AOL LLC, AT&T Mobility, Bundesverband
Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V., David Krynauw, DoubleClick, Flycell,
Gannett Digital, Greystripe Incorporated, Handmark, Inc., I-Mobile
Marketing, LLC, Incentivated Limited, iO Global Limited, M:Metrics,
Madhouse, Inc., MediaFLO USA, Inc., Medio Systems, Inc., Microsoft (MSN
and Windows Live), Mobixell Networks (Europe) Ltd, Mozes, Inc., News
Over Wireless, Nielsen Mobile, Nokia Corporation, OpenMarket, Out There
Media Holding GmbH, Qualcomm, Quattro Wireless, R/GA, Rhythm NewMedia,
Safecount, ScreenTonic, Sensei, Inc., ShoZu, SinglePoint, Sports.comm
Ltd, Sybase 365, The Coca-Cola Company, The Weather Channel
Interactive, Thin Multimedia, Third Screen Media, Turkcell Iletisim
Hizmetleri A.S., U.S. Cellular Corp., Univision Online, Inc., Verizon
Wireless, Vindigo, VML, Vodafone Group Services, Ltd. and Yahoo!.
The MMA EMEA Mobile Advertising Guidelines can be downloaded from The MMA has also released a
Mobile Advertising Overview white paper which can be downloaded from