Mobile Viruses Malware on the Rise, Says Panda


A report from Panda Labs notes that mobile phone viruses have been a looming threat for years, with  Q1 threats from  the SymbOS/Beselo and WinCE/InfoJack.A, and the appearance of the first iPhone Trojan.

They say that the release of Apple's SDK will probably cause the appearance of more
sophisticated iPhone attacks and infections, or even 'iMalware'. They also expect threats to Google's open source Android.

The report also states that Symbian's mobile
operating system is the most popular mobile OS in the world most malware attracting:

  • 90.34% of mobile malware targets the Symbian platform

  • 4.14% targets
    Windows Mobile

  • 3.35% targets Palm OS

  • 2.07% targets J2ME.