All iPhone Smartphone Market Share Figures From IDC

IDGlogo.jpgYesterday, we contacted IDC and Ramon T. Llamas, Senior Research Analyst, IDC Mobile Technology and Trends was kind enough to send us all the smartphone figures that include not only the last quarter of 2007 but the first quarter 2007 before the iPhone existed.

US Smartphone Top Five Vendors by Market Share
                                     2007Q1 2007Q4 2008Q1
Research In Motion 48.7% 35.1% 44.5%
Apple iPhone 0.0% 26.7% 19.2%
Palm 23.0% 7.9% 13.4%
Samsung 9.3% 5.1% 8.6%
HTC 0.0% 7.9% 4.1%
Others 18.9% 17.4% 10.2%

Although Apple's iPhone cut a big chunk out of the pie quickly, RIM's BlackBerry products are still the major portion of the market.  Also note Samsung and Palm are making comebacks with their products.

It would be interesting to see the figures according to price because the buy-in for the iPhone is significantly higher.