Interop Tech to Aggregate VeriSign Mobile Content

Interop Technologies, a leading provider of advanced wireless
technology solutions for the global wireless, packaged goods, and
content industries, today announced that content from VeriSign
Messaging and Mobile Media, a division of VeriSign, Inc. ("VeriSign")
will be made available to the Interop Common Short Code ("CSC")
Gateway. The CSC Gateway extends national short codes, premium short
codes, campaign and voting participation, and subscription content to
the many wireless network operators served by Interop.

Interop Technologies will offer the aggregated content from
VeriSign's Messaging and Mobile Media division. VeriSign's assistance
will help mobile content providers distribute and bill for their
products through wireless operators to assist the rapidly growing
Interop client base. Interop currently serves more than 55 network
operators representing millions of customers.

Interop Technologies recently developed this "aggregator of
aggregators" approach to simplify the complex wireless content value
chain and create benefits for all participants-wireless operators,
aggregators, content providers, and customers. The company's CSC
Gateway solution includes technology and management tools such as
performance reporting and customer care. The gateway enables operators
of all sizes to obtain, provision, and manage mobile content in a
resource-efficient manner.

"The Interop CSC Gateway provides a convenient, single point of
connection between VeriSign and dozens of network operators," said
Damian Sazama, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development for
Interop Technologies. "This new model goes up a level to make the value
chain more efficient for our operators."