3x More Mobile Subs than Land-Liners, Says Infonetics Research

Communications market research firm Infonetics Research reports there were 3
times more mobile subscribers than access line subscribers worldwide in 2007
(3.3 billion vs. 1.1 billion), and expects continued strong growth in mobile
subscribers, mainly driven by basic voice service needs in BRIC countries
(Brazil, Russia, India, and China).

Infonetics' report, Fixed and Mobile Subscribers, shows that the number of
mobile subscribers jumped 31% in 2007 over 2006, while access line subscribers
declined 5%.

"Subscribers in Brazil,
Russia, and
later this year China,
are migrating to 3G, which in turn will lead to a 2G and 2.5G to 3G subscriber
migration process in 2008. However, current GSM deployment patterns remain
unabated, with double-digit GSM subscriber growth rates being common in BRIC
countries," said Stephane Teral, principal analyst at Infonetics Research.

Other highlights from the report:

- The number of worldwide mobile subscribers will reach 5.2
billion by 2011

- Cellular mobile broadband subscribers are forecast to grow
at a 104%compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) from 2007 to 2011

- By 2011, there will be about 1 cellular mobile broadband
subscriber for every 4
wireline broadband subscribers

-- Access lines are declining and broadband penetration is
increasing, fueling VoIP
subscriber penetration

-- Caribbean and Latin America (CALA)
is the only region in which the number of access
lines is expected to grow

-- WiMAX is emerging as both a 3G mobile and a broadband
wireline alternative

Infonetics' report provides worldwide and regional 2007 actuals and 2008 to
2011 forecasts for access lines and fixed and mobile subscribers, including
cable, DSL, PON, Ethernet FTTH, VoIP, IPTV,
cable switched digital video (SDV), mobile, cellular mobile broadband, mobile
video, WiMAX, and seamless fixed mobile convergence (FMC)
subscribers, all with additional splits (see prospectus). The report includes
charts and analysis comparing subscriber types, regional service provider
subscriber highlights, fundamental drivers of the market, technology
developments, excerpts from Infonetics' service provider capex reports, and

Market size and forecasts are presented for North America (US and Canada),
EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa), Asia Pacific (including Japan and
Australia), CALA (Caribbean and Latin America, including Mexico), and
worldwide. The report also provides mobile subscriber data for Western
, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle
and Africa, China,
and India.

For report highlights, log in to Infonetics' online portal from
www.infonetics.com (see Service Provider Capex and Subscribers).