I Am Rich, I Really Am - I Paid $999.99 for an iPhone App - Pulled from iPhone App Store


Eight iPhone owners have joined the idle rich, buying a "worthless" program that cost $999, according to
the LA Times.

All the program does is show a red icon red icon with the
words "I Am Rich." After activation the icon shows a glowing clear stone
with red light (we're not sure whether it is a diamond or cubic zirconium.)

One description of "I Am Rich"  says, "The red icon on your iPhone or iPod
touch always reminds you (and others when you show it to them) that you were
able to afford this."

The program has been removed from the Apple Store apparently
someone bought it by mistake!   Armin Heinrich(whose name actually sounds like I am rich, when you say it fast,) the program's developer, has
not received payment for the purchase who wrote in an email, "The App is a work
of Art and included a 'secret mantra' -- that's all."

If there really is an Armin Heinrich, he's having a good laugh....