Telegent Systems, released the results of a global survey
conducted to assess consumer interest in watching the 2008 Beijing Games on
mobile handsets around the world. Conducted in nine countries, including
and the
the survey found the strongest interest in mobile access to
games TV broadcasts in emerging handset markets, with a preference for live
news and sports content rather than made-for-mobile clips.
Of consumers interested in mobile TV, 72% of consumers were very
likely or likely to watch mobile TV if they are able to receive free, local
broadcasts on their handset, compared to 40% who were receptive to subscription
services. Respondents preferred live, local broadcast coverage to
made-for-mobile clips, although approximately one-third expressed interest in both.
The most popular programs with viewers with prior mobile TV experience were
news at 60% and sports at 33%.
More than 80% of
consumers in the emerging handset markets covered in the survey were interested
in watching mobile TV. Of those interested in watching mobile TV, more than 80%
of consumers in
were interested in watching the summer games on their handsets, followed by
at 77% and
at 67%.
Consumers interested in watching the
games reported a wider variety of expected use cases for mobile viewing than
those not interested in the summer sporting events. For both groups, watching mobile TV while in a car, train,
bus or taxi as well as to fill time while waiting were important use cases.
Those interested in the games reported increased interest in also watching
mobile TV at home, during breaks at work, to check in on news and sports scores
while away from home, and to view 'unmissable programs.' Use cases at home
included the ability to watch TV when the primary television was in use,
without disturbing others, and to move freely from room to room.
Consumers with previous experience with mobile TV similarly
reported a wider variety of expected viewing circumstances than those without
mobile TV experience. For both groups, watching mobile TV while in a car, train, bus or taxi, to check in on news
or sports scores, and to fill time while waiting were important use cases.
Those with mobile TV experience also showed increased interest in use cases at
home and during breaks at work.
The global survey was conducted with more than 1200 respondents by sample solutions provider Survey Sampling International