Wired.com's iPhone 3G Survey Says, Networks Are the Problem

Wired.com surveyed iPhone users all over the world.  The results suggest that
widespread data speed problems have more to do with carriers' networks than
with Apple's handsets. They found "in general the data overall shows that 3G is
performing faster than EDGE (which is

In some major metropolitan areas that are supposedly
3G-rich, 3G performance can be very slow. For example in San
, 10 out of 30 participants reported very
slow 3G speeds, ust barely surpassing EDGE. Participants
in Australia
reported the slowest average 3G download speeds of about 759 Kbps while iPhoners
in Germany and
the Netherlands
reported the fastest average 3G download speeds of about 2,000 Kbps.

The article shows a map of speeds statistics on carriers and different countries.