Wireless in Florida. SafeLink Wireless will
serve as the company's distribution of
Lifeline - a U.S. government supported program for income eligible
households that ensures telephone service is available and affordable
for eligible low income households
households a free cell phone, mobile access to emergency services and
free 68 minutes of air time, monthly, for one year. The cell phone
offers in-demand features: voicemail, text, call waiting, international
calling to over 60 destinations and caller ID.
TracFone also offers free low-income services in TN. In Februrary 2009, SafeLink began offering free cell phones to low-income households in Georgia.
To learn more about
SafeLink Wireless, including
eligibility requirements, please call
1-800-977-3768 or visit
safelinkwireless.com. You can get refill your Tracfone Wireless Airtime here.
Typically, families living below the poverty line struggle to pay their
monthly bills, experience credit issues, and cannot afford traditional
home phone and wireless services. Using public pay phones regularly pose
problems and cell phone contracts often are difficult to maintain due to
costly usage charges over long-term agreements. As a result, regular
communications is a major dilemma for these families