AdMob Metrics Show iPhone is #1


Admob Metrics looked at the growing iPhone traffic and use by country. 

· The iPhone displaced the RAZR as the #1 device worldwide in the AdMob
network.  In October 2008, AdMob reached more than 4.5 million iPhones, 1 out of
every 3 on the market.

· 17 percent of iPhone requests came from Western Europe and 8 percent from
Asia.  Top markets worldwide include the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Singapore, and Switzerland.

· Traffic from Latin America and the Caribbean doubled in the past 12
months to 109 million requests in October 2008. The fastest growing countries in
the region include Puerto Rico, Guyana, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Mexico. 

· Worldwide requests grew 13.8 percent month over month to 5.8 billion.  US
requests grew 7.9 percent to 2.2 billion and UK requests grew 16.0 percent to
229 million.