Tickets.Com Mobile Delivers Tickets to Mobiles without Waiting in Line is now offering ProVenueMobile, a mobile version of their consumer ticket sales website.  The service allows full-circle ticket purchases to be made 24/7 on any handheld mobile
device. Missing an on-sale time, waiting in line and being put on hold
will be things of the past for mobile users.

The Usablenet Mobile-supported site
integrates seamlessly with all web-enabled devices from smart phones
(Blackberry, iPhone, Treo, etc.) to basic cell phones with web access.
It supports all browsers, file formats, carriers and other
technologies, so that customers can shop for and purchase
tickets from anywhere, anytime.

The new mobile-web platform -
developed by mobile technologies leader Usablenet - allows
consumers to both purchase and digitally receive tickets entirely on
their mobile phones from any client venue enabled with
Tickets@Phone functionality. The technology delivers barcoded tickets
directly to customers’ mobile phones immediately following purchases.
The day of the event, the customers simply present their mobile phones
for quick and efficient scanned entry into the venue, making the entire
ticket transaction experience as simple and convenient as possible.