Mobile Helps Caculate Blood Alcohol Concentration is an interactive mobile program to help educate
adults about how alcohol consumption affects an individual's Blood
Alcohol Concentration (BAC).  provides information
about an individual's BAC and is accessible "at their fingertips"
on any mobile device including a cell phone, BlackBerry, or iPhone.

The B4UDrinkprogram takes the guessing game out of the
equation and gives the user factual information about how alcohol
consumption affects an individual's BAC.

The user enters gender and weight and the type and
quantity of drink(s) they plan to consume. A few short clicks later they
are given their approximate BAC.

For example, a male weighing 200 pounds
can visit before he goes out with friends and realizes that
if he has four standard drinks over the course of two hours, his BAC
would rise to .05 which is elevated but still below the .08 legal limit
to operate a vehicle.

Say, a 150 pound woman drinks the same
amount of mixed drinks over that time span her BAC would be .10 which is
significantly over the legal limit to drive. BAC is not the only factor
bearing on responsible decision-making; individuals must use common
sense and sound judgment. user is presented with facts about BAC and other
information related to the responsible consumption of alcoholic
beverages. There are many easy steps that can be taken to help prevent
these tragedies, and visiting is one of them.

The site is an enhancement of an earlier version of the
program developed by The Century Council. uses the same
methodology and gives the same end results as, but is
faster and designed to be easily used on any mobile device.

The Century Council sponsored the iniative.

About The Century Council

 The Century Council is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to
fighting drunk driving and underage drinking and is funded by distillers
including Bacardi U.S.A., Inc.; Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc.,
Brown-Forman; Constellation Brands, Inc.; DIAGEO; Hood River Distillers,
Inc.; and Sidney Frank Importing Co. Inc. Headquartered in Arlington,
Virginia and chaired by The Honorable Susan Molinari, The Century
Council is a leader in the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage
drinking and promotes responsible decision making regarding beverage
alcohol. TheCentury Council develops and implements innovative programs
and public awareness campaigns and promotes action through strategic