Calendar Sync Added to Sprint's Samsung Instinct

Sprint Samsung Instinct user can get calendarsynchronization with Microsoft Exchange Server and IBM Lotus Notes
account calendars.  The new calendar
feature allows Instinct users to view and update their work calendar,
create and delete appointments and more, right on their phone.

Len Barlik,
vice president of wireless and wireline services for Sprin, said. "Along
with existing access to corporate email and contacts through Mobile
Email Work, the addition of corporate calendar sync to the Instinct
lets Sprint customers increase productivity and stay connected whenever
and wherever they want." 

 Sprint worked with SEVEN, one
of the leading providers of mobile messaging solutions, to create
Mobile Email Work, which now allows Instinct users to access work
calendars from Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, 2003 or 2007 accounts,
or IBM Lotus Domino accounts.  

Mobile Email Work with corporate calendar sync includes monthly,
weekly and daily views of the user's calendar, along with an
appointment view that displays the details about each appointment or
meeting. Reminders bring upcoming appointments or meetings to the
user's attention. Users can edit existing appointments, accept or
decline meeting requests, or create new single-date, multi-date or
all-day appointments. Users also can delete appointments and meetings.
All changes made on the Sprint phone are automatically synchronized
with the user's desktop calendar.

For Instinct users, the corporate calendar feature will be provided
as a software update to customers with Mobile Email Work. Customers who
are new to Sprint Mobile Email and want to activate the service can do
so directly through the email menu - no software download is required.
Once email is activated, customers will be prompted to accept the
upgrade to enable corporate calendar access.

In addition to the Samsung Instinct, Sprint plans to extend corporate calendar sync to additional non-PDA phones in the future.

Mobile Email Work with the new corporate calendar feature is
included at no additional charge for Instinct customers, including
those on Everything Data plans starting at $69.99, Sprint's worry-free
$99.99 Simply EverythingS plan and Everything Data Family plans starting at $129.99 for two lines (taxes and surcharges excluded).