Consumer Reports has named their top smartphones: the Samsung BlackJack II, T-Mobile Wing, Motorola Q9c, T-Mobile Shadow and BlackBerry Pearl
Flip are the top five in order.
There's not a iPhone or Android G1, Xperia in the pack, causing some wireless pundits to poo-poo their choices. The WinMo crowd is praising the fact four out of the five chosen were Windows Mobile Phones. The one BlackBerry they picked, The BlackBerry Pearl Flip is not the as famous as the BlackBerry Storm or as well known as the BlackBerry Bold.
When we look the prices the phones of the smartpones Consumer Reports picked, it gives insight as to why they were chosen. Most of the Consumer Reports' smartphone choices are priced under $100 and can be found online cheaper with some deals giving cash back or a free companion flight. The phones were mostly released nearly a year ago or more which may contribute to lower prices. JD Power reports the average smartphone price is $216 most of the top phones are well below that price point. All the Consumer Reports' top-ranked smartphones except the T-Moble Wing are much cheaper and a better value.
Consumer Reports may believe, like many consumers, that you shouldn't spend over $100 on a smartphone.
AT&T is offering the Samsung Samsung BlackJack II - for $79.99 after rebate and contract with free shipping with online activation the Samsung BlackJack II Refurbished
costs $49.99 While Wirefly shows the Samsung BlackJack II
to be free with rebates and $49.99 cash back, new customer discount and contract in various colors. Let's Talk
is also selling the BlackJack II in four colors for free after rebates.
The T-Mobile Wing is the only smartphone priced out-of-sight it was
priced $299 when it came out in May 2007 and they are still selling it
for that price. Wirefly shows it at $49.99 after rebates for new customers. Let's Talk's price is $149.99 after $50.00 rebate.
The Motorola Q9c is offered from Verizon for $149.99 and $99.99 at
Alltel with contracts. Wirefly has it for $39.99 for Verizon with a new
acccount at Verizon, while its free in Lime Green or Black for Alltel with a new
The T-Moble Shadow which was very popular last year sells for
$149.99 at T-Mobile. Wirefly discounts makes it free that is free with
a new account that's in the copper color. We reported earlier that
this model has been phased-out by T-Mobile and is not stocked in stores.
The BlackBerry Pearl Flip, available at T-Moblie phone, makes buyers eligible for the free holiday companion flight and it sells for $99.99 after rebates at T-Mobile. Wirefly has a deal with a $50 green trade-in and new contract that buyers get $50 back. Let's Talk
offers the BlackBery Pearl Flip at $49.99 with certain plans.
So dear mobile friends what did we learn from this survey? Smartphones get cheaper over time and when you wait long enough you can get the smarphone people drooled over last Christmas for free or a heck of a lot cheaper, this year. Magazines generally take three months to produce, therefore by the time something reaches the news stand it is out of date. Wireless and Mobile News articles are published instantly and can be found on Google News within a hour.
If you would like to timely reviews of the latest smartphones including the BlackBerry Storm, and Samsung Behold, please check our Review of Reveiws.