Once again Sprint received a top ranking in customer care, from a Pali
Capital Inc.survey. This is the second time for the past two quarters.
Sprint answered 89 percent of 1,000 calls to its customer service lines within 30 seconds. Sprint is also the only major carrier to
score above 80 percent in the current quarter.
"Sprint's performance over the past two surveys is well above the
prior five surveys when Gary Forsee was CEO, and the company answered a
little over half of calls to customer care in less than 30 seconds,"
Pali analysts said in a note about the results.
Here are some of the other results:
79% of T-Mobile calls were answered within 30 seconds.
68% of Verizon calls were answered within 30 seconds.
43% of AT&T calls were answered within 30 seconds.
"AT&T continued to have the worst response times, but its results
improved to 43% from 33% due to greatly improved response times in the
morning and early afternoon," Piecyk wrote. "AT&T's response times
are very poor after 2PM."
Sources: Wichita Business Journal
and Sprint Connection.