T-Mobile Smartphone Release Schedule for Q1 '09 Includes Memoir and BlackBerry Curve 8900

8900_device_features.jpgBoy Genius has leaked the T-Mobile smartphone release schedule for 2009 from an internal document.

  • January 21: Sony Ericsson TM506 (Scarlett)
  • January 21: Nokia 7510
  • January 28: T-Mobile Shadow
  • February 4: Motorola Renew
  • February 4: Samsung t119
  • February 18: RIM BlackBerry Curve 8900
  • February 18: Samsung Memoir

The Samsung Memoir has been rumored previously an 8 megapixel camera intensive phone.  It has been speculated that the T-Mobile Shadow is a new version the popular phone that has been phased out. 

The BlackBerry Curve 8900 can have these features:

  • Camera (3.2 MP)
  • Wi-Fi Support
  • Built-in GPS
  • Enhanced Media Player
  • Video Recording

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