BlackBerry App Store Coming to a BlackBerry Near You with a Better Cut for Developers than Apple

It is so nice that CNET Asia reporter, John Chan, went to RIM headquarters over the holidays to talk to BlackBerry managment. During his interview some aspects of the planned BlackBerry App StoreFront were revealed. We also have been talking to BlackBerry developers who are in the process of developing apps for the BlackBerry Storm and other BlackBerry devices.

RIM announced in October, the BlackBerry Application StoreFront will open in March 2009. BlackBerry Developers started submitting apps in December. When we last spoke to one of these BlackBerry software developers, when he said that he couldn't talk about his forthcoming apps yet, we got the feeling that they were in the process of being approved. We also learned that the BlackBerry Storm API requires a little bit of different programing to use the touchscreen interface of the BlackBerry Storm.

storefront_banner_main.jpgThe BlackBerry App StoreFront gives developers  80 percent of the revenue back for paid applications and 20 percent is kept to help maintain and pay for the system. While the Apple iPhone/iPod store takes 30 percent of the sales. With developers getting a higher cut they may be able to lower their price to buyers. It could also attract more developers.
Once developers sign up and agree to terms, they can submit their
applications through the online portal. Later they can view where they are in the
process of submission to the testing phase and the results. After
testing, there's a phase of staging and deployment and then they
will actually hit the application store.

BlackBerry Application StoreFront will support free applications, paid applications
and also monthly subscription billing or try-and-buy models. They plan to support
different types of billing
models and operate over wireless channels for downloading of
applications whether via a cellular networks or Wi-Fi.

RIM is also working with carriers for them to have the carriers to offer their own apps and storefronts on deck.

This appears to to be great opportunity for developers.  What BlackBerry applications would you like to see in the categories that follow?

  • Entertainment
  • Books
  • Business
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Games
  • Heathcare & Fitness
  • Lifesytle

Comments are welcome through the commenting form.

Note the number one application on the Apple App Store as of today is iFart Mobile.

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