Free iPhone App RepairPal Helps to Find Help and Mechanics on the Road

iPhone_screen_smallrepairpal.gifRepairPal launched their iPhone application for consumers to find auto repair pricing and roadside assistance when
they need it on the road or at the repair shop.

RepairPal  helps diagnosing a problem, getting a fair repair price, or
finding the right mechanic. Their news release says that it gives drivers the information they
need to save money and eliminate hassles.  It even uses GPS to hep find a mechanic.

RepairPal for iPhone's key features enable consumers to:

  • Save money and time through accurate and unbiased repair estimates.
    Know if you're getting a fair price for a repair when you're at the
    shop or on the road. RepairPal's estimates are independent and not
    affiliated with any automobile manufacturer, dealership, parts
    provider, or repair facility.

  • Find a recommended local mechanic no matter where you are, call
    to make an appointment, and plot an efficient course using the
    innovative location-based GPS.
  • Instantly contact roadside assistance with one-touch access to
    emergency roadside providers including most automobile manufacturer

RepairPal for iPhone is afree of charge and is available
for the iPhone or iPod Touch (with operating system version 2.0) at the
iTunes App Store []
under the name RepairPal: Auto Repair Expert. For more
information about RepairPal for iPhone, please visit: