According to Boy Genius Report and leaked Verizon documents, Verizon is ending it’s “worry-free” test drive program where you could get out of a contract in 30 days without paying for the air-time, usage and taxes when you changed carriers.
It’s hinted that some “people” would run up a high phone bill than bail out. After February 15, customers who want get out of their contracts in the first thirty days will they still have to pay their bills. No Early Termination fee will be charged it the customer ends service within 30 days of sign-up.
Verizon is also changing the New Every Two program in which a discount is given on a new phone when a customer agrees to another 2-year
contract. Presently, customers with a monthly calling plan that is $79.99 and greater receive a $100 NE2 discount on a new handset. Starting Febraury 15, that discount will be reduced to $50. Customers with a monthly calling plan of $34.99 to $79.98 will receive a $30 discount instead of the current $50.