NIM GPS Navigation Coming on Sony Ericsson Phones

atlasbook_menu.jpgNetworks In Motion announced it will partner with Sony Ericsson, to offer NIM's location-based services (LBS) for GPS-enabled
mobile phones to Sony Ericsson customers worldwide.

Carrirers will be able to offer their own branded versions of NIM's  mobile
phone navigation service to their customers, including voice-prompted
turn-by-turn directions and 3-D "perspective view" maps as well as
local search of millions of regularly updated points of interest.

Additional services such as real-time traffic information, local event
information, movie show times, weather forecasts, gas prices and more
will also be available.

Doug Antone, president and CEO of Networks In Motion, said, "More
GPS-enabled handsets will ship this year than personal navigation
devices for the first time, pointing to the tremendous
acceptance of mobile phone navigation and associated location-based
services by consumers and wireless carriers alike.