Android Free Download of the Day: ShopSavvy Gigan

shopsavvy.pngShopSavvy just got more savvy with its Gigan version available today. The app garnered over 400,000 users who on G1 phones to
scan barcodes and look up items online to comparison shop in real-time. It also saves items for future shopping.

If you like to get the cheapest price on items you see in stores, this app is for you.

Improvements to the new version include:

  1. Skyhook integration for better and faster locations.
  2. Faster barcode scanning due to a new scanning library.
  3. Stealth barcode scanning modes that include beep, vibrate or silent.
  4. Menu shortcuts (visual indicator to indicate Menu tab contains data.
  5. Privacy settings that allow you to turn off GPS.
  6. Sharing features including Twitter and Facebook.

ShopSavvy has affiliate deals with online shops, earning commission when customers buy.  They are working on an iPhone app in the future. They may make a Windows Mobile Version and Palm Pre version, also.

ShopSavvy won Google's Android Developer Challenge. It is available on Android Market.