BlackBerry Internet Service Updated to BIS 2.6 with Gmail IMAP

Now that RIM has upgraded its server service to Black Berry Internet Service (BIS 2.6) non-corporate BlackBerry users have some new features to make their BlackBerry lives easier. You can now use IMAP for Gmail sync, password characters are display for email address configuring, there are better error messages, signatures can be edited and the Dutch language is now supported Details follow

Better Gmail Sync with IMAP
For Google Gmail users, you can now use IMAP which means you won't see
double with your Gmail, IMAP remembers what messages you read and syncs
them. This puts an end to sent email messages appearing as received in
the BB message list. In order to make it work, you will have to remove
and reintergrate your Gmail web accounts.

Display of Passwords

BlackBerry smartphone can now display password
characters when configuring email addresses with the BlackBerry
Internet Service. IT makes it easier for BlackBerry
smartphone users to integrate third-party email addresses, especially
when using a BlackBerry smartphone with the SureType input method.


Improved descriptive support and error messages

BlackBerry smartphone users that have integrated a third-party email
account using Post Office Protocol (POP) receive a personal
indentification number (PIN) message that includes instructions on how
to leave email messages on the messaging server for successful delivery
to the BlackBerry smartphone. .

Option to change signatures from the BlackBerry smartphone

BlackBerry smartphone users that use Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP) automatic login can change the signatures for email messages
using the BlackBerry smartphone. 

Improved language support

Dutch is now an available language for the BlackBerry Internet Service 2.6. For a list of all supported languages, see KB12859.