BlackBerry (Storm) Free App of the Day: eReader Pro

bb_navigation.pngFor people who want to reader books on the their BlackBerry smartphones and BlackBerry Storms,  the free eReader Pro with the ability to buy new books and read some free titles.

eReader Pro for BlackBerry allows users who have bought books at or
bookshelf to download those book wirelessly to their BlackBerry. You can also visit the websites on the the BlackBerry's browser to browse, purchase and install titles
directly onto the BlackBerry.

eReader has an AutoScroll feature that
allows you to let the words scroll past you at the speed you like.  eReader allows you change the colors and font, lne spacing and margins
and page turn animations. You can tap to turn page or swipe, make bookmarks, take notes, search for words  use the
built-in dictionary, switch from black-on-white to yellow-on-black with
a single

eReader reads eReader books, available by the thousands from the eReader's own bookseller site and othesr.  They also offer  free programs to help you turn your own content into eReader docs.

ereader1.jpgSupported Models: BlackBerry Curve, Storm, Pearl,
Bold, 7130, 8110, 8120, 8130, 8220, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330, 8350i,
8703e, 8707, 8800, 8820, 8830, 8900, 9000, 9500, and 9530.

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