In order to answer the growing need for fast mobile-friendly websites dotMobi launched their free Instant Mobilizer in February. This service makes the transition to the mobile web easier for small and medium-sized businesses as well as increased sales of dotMobi domain names. Instant Mobilizer
transforms existing PC-based websites for use on all mobile
phones and networks.
registering a domain and entering in the businesses' URL,
Instant Mobilizer automatically converts the existing website into a
dynamic mobile version. Hosting for the mobile website is provided free of charge. Instant Mobilizer also adds user-friendly upgrades including
one-click calls to the business and Google maps. Because it is a dotMobi domain name, it offers better
search engine discovery as a mobile website.. The Instant Mobilizer service is offered through dotMobi regitration partners, such as eNom.
"There was a quick response to Instant Mobilizer with dotMobi domain registrations and a healthy number of downloads of Instant Mobilizer," said Jeff Eckhaus
Senior Vice President, Platform, Demand Media which operates eNom, registrar and reseller domain names, "The program exceeded our expectations with a significant increase in dotMobi registrations."
There is a widget available on the eNom website
that shows how a website will look after Instant Mobilizer to see how
the service wil work with specific websites. Eckhaus says that most
websites adapt well with Instant Mobilizer.
We'll be seeing more innovative products from dotMobi cofirms
Eckhaus, "We have a great relationship with dotMobi and we'll be
offering more mobile-friendly products in the future."
Demand Media has not announced yet, what they will be offering at CTIA in Las Vegas, April 1-3.