BlackBerry Storm April Fool's Joke / Prank of the Day

discontinuedbbstormsmall.jpgDon't be fooled by CrackBerry's latest April Fools BlackBerry Storm post.

CrackBerry  reported that Kevin heard RIM employees saying that the BlackBerry Storm is discontinued. That is the reason why there aren't many BlackBerry Storm apps.

They say all BlackBerry Storms were to pulled from the shelves or NOT!

They claim to have proof with a link that which leads to a big "April Fools!!!"

RIM probably does not find that funny considering they fixed over thirty bugs in the BlackBerry Storm OS.

Hey didnt' we hear a rumor that CrackBerry was giving away free discontinued BlackBerry Storm smartphones? No we wouldn't do a silly April Fool's joke like that.
There are some neat apps for the BlackBerry check out the links to many BlackBerry Storm Apps we have found over the last few months.

BlackBerry Storm Apps & Accessories Articles from Wireless and Mobile News