Connor Mulcahey 13, Bumps into Grand Prize of 1 Billion App Contest

bumpscreenshot.jpgApple has disclosed the winner of their one billion countdown contest.

The one billionth app, Bump, was downloaded by Connor Mulcahey, age 13, of Weston, CT.
As the grand prize winner of Apple's one billion app countdown contest,
Connor will receive a $10,000 iTunes gift card, an iPod touch, a Time
Capsule and a MacBook Pro.

Bump is a contact information exchange app, when two iPhone bump that have the app they exchange contact info.

Currently the App Store has more than 35,000
applications available to consumers in 77 countries, allowing
developers to reach tens of millions of iPhone and iPod touch users
around the world.

This summer the iPhone OS 3.0 software update will
provide developers with over 1,000 new developer APIs enabling In-App
Purchases, Peer-to-Peer connections, App control of accessories, and
Push Notifications. The iPhone OS 3.0 release will also add over 100
customer features including cut, copy and paste; Spotlight search;
landscape keyboard and view for all key iPhone apps; MMS support; and
expanded parental controls for apps, TV shows, and movies from the App