Free Facebook Fan App of the Day: Facebook for BlackBerry Update 1.5

facebook-15-blackberry.jpgThere is a new version of Facebook for BlackBerry 1.5.  New features include messages and Friend requests now appear in your BlackBerry
Messages folder, Facebook contacts and calendar intergrate with BlackBerry calendar/contacts. It also has quick photo sharing.

This version is not recommended for the BlackBerry Storm. Eric Zeman at Information Week tried to get it to work. After he installed Facebook 1.5 on his BlackBerry Storm, it ran at
much lower speeds and was far less responsive then before. The
Facebook app itself failed to load half the time, and crashed  twice. He had to uninstall it and seek out Facebook 1.3 to restore
some measure of usability to his BlackBerry Storm

You can get a download link in this form. Or visit from your BlackBerry to download.