Latest Twitter Scam: Twitter Spam - Limited to Following 1000

twitter_logo.jpgTwitter is so popular it is not only a way for predators to phish your banking information it is also a way for annoying marketers to befriend you and clutter your Tweets.

Case in point, we recently started posting all the news from Wireless and Mobile News on Twitter and in a short period of time garnered many followers. One follower was not in fact a live person, cell phone company or industry insider, she was a mocked up photo of a model, set up to sell cell phones.

Here's how it worked, we received a message that we had a new follower. On that followers page, there all these postings about cheap cell phones, that click into eBay cell phone selling pages. The name of the Twitterer is one of those names that sound like a porn star.  The base URL is not a cell phone seller but a way to get "16,000 Twitter followers in 90 days that is completely automated."

"At any given time, I post a message I can get 400 people to read the message," says the marketer.
The guy says he made $19,000.  This doesn't take real Twitter time, its
all automated free tools, to make it all automated. You target key
words. An automated content package to Twitter followers and costs $27
and has an affiliate network to see more of this system.

Yes the price is not that expensive and there is a money back
guarantee, but the operative word here is guy shows you how to use free

As our daily email grows in unmeasurable number, our Tweets will now
have to be screened with special tools. The underpinning of these
services appears to be following as many Twitter accounts as possible
then hoping that these followers in turn follow the Twitter spammers.

On April 20 Twitter  limited the number of accounts that a single
person can follow in a day to 1,000.  On the Twitter Blog it says,

"While there are technical reasons behind having some limit on
following activites, this per-day limit exists to discourage
spamminess. Also, it is unlikely that anyone can actually read tweets
from thousands of accounts which makes the mass following activity

Mmmnn there should be a free tools Twitter story coming from Wireless and Mobile News and we will Tweet about it on Twitter!

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What would Jesus Tweet?  Twitter Version of the Passions of Christ.
Wireless and Mobile News Officially on Twitter.
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