There have been rumors in the past that the Palm Pre will be sold at Best Buy and now the latest rumor du jour is that Best Buy will get a limited number (4500) of Palm Pre smartphones on June 6, ready for sale June 7. Pricing for the Palm Pre at Best Buy will be $199 with a new contract, $299 for existing customers for upgrade and $999 with no contract reports Boy Genius Reports.
Sprint Gurus hinted at a June 7 launch date for the Palm Pre as well as several other phones.
Another Twitter rumor from the photographer/film maker, Jaime Gonzalez from the filming set of a Palm Pre commercial. His Twitter Feed now edited and removed said, "Back at Warner Bros! Palm Pre in the house... It's the iPhone for chicks! LOL"
He took a photo of the set which is on Twitpic and it is a giant Facebook page, which leads one to believe tht the commercial will highlight the social networking aspects of the Palm Pre. It would be difficult but still possible to put out a commercial by the first rumored Palm Pre launch date of May 17.
Sprint employees have noted that current rebates and planograms for store displays end June 6, making June 7 a new day for displays and possible new phone like the Palm Pre.
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