TetherBerry App Tethers BlackBerry to Pcs - Free Beta Version for Macs

tetherberrry.jpgIf you are a Mac owner and don't want to pay $50 for the Launch2Net app for your BlackBerry or BlackBerry Storm. TetherBerrry is looking for Beta testers to try out their BlackBerry tethering app for free that they claim works with all BlackBerry smartphones.

They say their users have reported speeds as high as 1,800 kbps. TetherBerry only works with a USB connection not via Bluetooth.

TetherBerry has been used by carriers all over the world. Some carriers do require APN settings, though. The PC version that has been tested by over 10,000 beta testers is available for $49.95.

Users beware because the TetherBerry way of circumventing carrier tethering plans and policies could be a risk to subscribers violating terms of service.  Your BlackBerry may already have tethering software included already.  It is best to check with your carrier first before you do anything.  With TetherBerry you definitely want to make sure that you have an unlimited data plan.BEST BLACKBERRY STORM APPS ARTICLES:

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