BlackBerry Storm & Palm Pre Better than iPhone for MSG and Multitasking

palmpreontherocks.jpgAs the battles between the Palm Pre , BlackBerry Storm and iPhone continue. There's more news about the Palm Pre The Palm Pre will be coming to UK. Consumer Reports rated the Palm Pre higher than the iPhone for multitasking. Palm Pre phones should be easier to find in Sprint and Best Buy stores this weekend.

The Guardian has reported that  O2 will be the exclusive UK partner for the Palm Pre handset.

Consumer Reports in their latest smartphone study, reported that the iPhone 3G S rated higher than high-scoring competitors such as the Palm Pre and BlackBerry Storm due to a superior display,  top-notch multimedia,
navigation, web browsing, and battery life. While the Palm Pre, the
BlackBerry Storm, and other BlackBerry models bested the iPhone in messaging, and
the Palm Pre, with its new deck-of-cards handling of multiple applications,
is a superior multitasker according to Consumer Reports. They've changed their rating system which lead the iPhone 3G and some other older phones have moved while the Samsung Blackjack II and
BlackBerry Pearl Flip, have dropped in their ranking.

You should be able to get a new Palm Pre without waiting this weekend. JP Morgan conducted their third round of channel checks for the  Plam Pre. The gap
between supply and demand has closed at Sprint and BestBuy stores,
waitlists are eliminated or down, and most stores now have Palm Pre devices
in stock. They believe that demand at Sprint channels seems to be around 40,000 per week.
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