(Palm Pre News) Deal: Price Drop $99 @ Best Buy & Low Return Rate

The Palm Pre is "gaining momentum" which were surely increase when buyers discover that Best Buy is currently selling the Palm Pre for only $99 with a contract or upgrade.

pre-price-drop-bestbuypalmpre.jpgIt appears the Palm Pre has been reduced to $99 at Best Buy brick and mortar retail stores.  We called a local Best Buy store to confirm the $99 price tag. The mobile sales associate confirmed that $99 is the price for the Palm Pre with no rebate involved, it is not clear how long the price or Palm Pre will remain at $99. Sometimes, prices vary at Best Buy according to region.

Editor's Note Monday ,July 27 : Whoops the price drop was a mistake tweeted Best Buy.  The price of the Palm Pre is back up to $199, today.

Because the Palm Pre has the least expensive plans with Sprint over time and due to this price drop we name it "Deal of the Day."

The price of $99 for the Palm Pre is for upgrades and new contracts the Best Buy associate told us. The Best Buy sales rep said that he was only sure that it would remain $99 for one week.  Cell phone prices are set by week at Best Buy. The Best Buy store. we called had plenty of the Palm Pre handsets in stock.

The Palm Pre is featured in the Best Buy cell phone buying guide for August and shows a price of $199. If you are thinking about buying a Palm Pre soon then this coming week may be the week to buy at Best Buy. It's interesting to note that he told us the most popular phone at this movie-studio adjacent store was the iPhone, where he usually sells five iPhones a day. The next most popular phones are the free with service models. Therefore, you should call your Best Buy if you are buying a iPhone and or Palm Pre.
In other Palm Pre News, the Street reports that RBC
Analyst Mike Abramsky, suggested that "the return rate has been low,
running between two and three percent" for the Palm Pre  debunking
rumors of high return rates. Abramsky also see sustained momentum for
the Palm Pre from monitoring store sales.

Last week, the latest Palm Pre webOs update re-enabled the ability to sync with iTunes. comScore recently reported that the advertising for the Palm Pre launch was a success.

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