Most American cell phone buyers still say fancy features are not so important when they choose a cell phone. According to a new survey from Wirefly, cell phone buyers' main reason in selecting a phone are for reasons other than having the hottest features.
3 out of 5 consumers (64 percent) are less concerned with high-tech features than they are with the basic form factors, such as the size and color of the phone
The following factors take precedence over cutting-edge technology features:
- SIZE & FORM - 59% cite size and form of the device as most important.
- COLOR - 16% cite device color as most important.
- OTHER - 25% cite "other" factors as most important, including ease of use, size of the keypad, the need for a large display screen, and affordability.
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The buyers' stated preferences do not necessarily match their
purchase behaviors. A majority of respondents purchased cell phones
with photo, video streaming, web browser/email and music player
capabilities, but only a fraction consider them to be necessities and
some report never using these features
- CAMERA - 94% of buyers choose a camera phone, despite only 25% considering a built-in camera a requirement;
- 71% of respondents purchased a device with a music player. However,
only 11% report using their phone as their primary portable music
player and only 5% cite this as a 'must-have' feature; - WEB
BROWSER/EMAIL - 64% purchased a device with full web browser/email,
even though 46% never use the function and only 15% cite this as a
necessary feature; - GAMING - 47% purchased a device with gaming capabilities, though 58% have never played;
- VIDEO STREAMING - 51% of those who purchased a device with video streaming support have never used their phone to watch one.
Age plays a part in determining the importance of cell phone features.
- Fifty-seven percent of survey respondents 50 years and older claim to only use their phone for calls.
- 5 percent of respondents 24 years and younger only use the phone for calling.
- Users most engaged in "enhanced" applications tend to be in the 31-40 age range.
- The
31-40 technology-embracing group uses their phones to listen to music,
check email, and have used GPS on their phone more than their
counterparts. - The 24-30 age range is most likely to watch videos and play games on their phone at least weekly.
About the Survey:
The recently completed U.S. consumer survey was conducted from an
opt-in pool of customers who purchased new wireless phones and new
service plans from The sample of 2,391 respondents was 47
percent male and 53 percent female. Thirty-two percent of the
respondents were above the age of 50, 23 percent were 41-50 years old,
23 percent were 31-40 years old, 14 percent were 24-30 years old, and 8
percent were 18-23 years old. The margin of error was within 2
percentage point
Wirefly surveyed 2,391 Americans, age 18 and older; who recently bought a cell phone, and asked them what factors influenced their purchase decisions.