Verizon Samsung Omnia Software Update Opens GPS for LBS

Verizon realease software update CF03 with GPS unlocked and open to be  used with other location-based services.

The notification came out in the form of tweets from Samsung MobileUSA.

Other tweets revealed:

At this time, the open GPS update for the Omnia is only for the Verizon version of the Omnia.

With the new
software, your Omnia will be equipped with not only VZ Navigator but
other navigational services from third party retailers.

The update is available from  t for your Omnia from Verizon Wireless.

The update also includes:

  • The latest Microsoft Adaptation Kit Upgrade (AKU 1.5.1)
    for Windows mobile is Included in this Update.
  •  VZ Access Manager Supports Bluetooth Connection (SPP).