BlackBerry Storm 2 Video with Details Leaked


Someone on YouTube has shot a video of the new BlackBerry Storm 2. It looks a lot like the previous BlackBerry Storm and reportedly has Wi-Fi.

The BlackBerry Storm 2 in the video has a 3.2 megapixel auto focus camera, backlit buttons and screen-lock when the phone is off. The operating system is much faster with much more memory than the first BlackBerry Storm..  It appears to have a good speaker and music playing ability. The BlackBerry Storm 2 is very responsive.

The BlackBerry Storm 2 will be a world phone and be able to access GSM networks.

Rumors suggest the BlackBerry Storm 2 will run on the BlackBerry 5.--- operating system.
The BlackBerry Storm 2 should also have all the features of the BlackBerry Storm such as GPS, microSD, and Bluetooth.

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