Data Plan Required by AT&T, Starting September 6

at&tlogo.jpgLow-income people  or people who don't use a lot of data will still have to swallow a whole data plan from AT&T when they buy a smartphone from AT&T starting September 6.

Starting on Sept. 6, AT&T 
will require all new smartphone users to subscribe to the carrier's
wireless data plans.

Prepaid users and other media-possible phone users can currently use MEdia Net,  that charges by the the megabyte. AT&T's unlimited data plan costs $30 a month which is $360 a year.

Information week quoted AT&T's official response:

"Smartphone users tend to consume a higher amount
of data services, like advanced e-mail, mobile Web, applications and
more. Being able to take full advantage of these features without
having to worry about a fluctuating or unusually high bill generally
leads to greater customer satisfaction, so effective Sept. 6,
smartphone customers will need to subscribe to a data plan, as the vast
majority of customers already do.

There has been a trend towards carriers requiring data plans. Verizon started mandatory data plans with smartphones in November, last year. We know many people who then opt for feature phone to avoid the higher monthly fees. AT&T increased text messaging rate to 20 cents for prepaid customers in November 2008.