Samsung Omnia II Coming Soon to Verizon

omnia-ii-vzw-comingsoon.jpgSamsung has put up a teaser page for the next generation Samsung Omnia, the Samsung Omnia II.

They claim:
Smart Phone, Genius Texting.
"The Samsung Omnia II will revolutionize the way you text
and email - faster and more accurately. Plus, it's loaded with the
latest in business and multimedia functionality. Coming soon
exclusively at Verizon."

We're wondering if the genius texting line means that it will have a keyboard....

You can sign up to notified when the Samsung Omnia comes available.

There have been rumors that the Samsung Omnia 11 would arrive in Best Buy stores on August 23.  Let's see, when school starts and after Labor may be a great time to launch a new super smartphone.