Sprint Settles ETF Lawsuit: Sprint Customers Get $95 Each

sprintlogo.jpgSprint has sent announcements to subscribers that itsettled a class action suit for its former early termination fee (ETF) practices. The suit claimed that Sprint overcharged customer $1.2 billion.

Sprint changed their ETF practices last fall
and by pro-rating ETFs, with a lower Early Termination Fee for every month of the contract.

Sprint will establish a fund $14 million to be distributed between members of the
class action suit after attorney fess are paid..

Sprint customers receive $90 if they  were charged an ETF and can
provide proof, and $35 if they didn't cancel a contract for fear of
getting charged an ETF.

qualify, you have had to have a contract with Sprint or Nextel between July 1, 1999, and December
31, 2008. More detail is available at the settlement website.

The settlement must by finalized by a court on October 21, 2009.

The claims website suggests claimants do not call or write to Sprint Nextel, their
attorneys or the Court with questions regarding benefits or eligibility
under the settlement. Questions may be directed to the Claims
Administer at claims@sprintetfsettlement.com or by calling

1 thought on “Sprint Settles ETF Lawsuit: Sprint Customers Get $95 Each”

  1. It's good that finally these big cell carriers are going to learn that they can't ripoff their clients. Now I'm leaving Sprint and I'll never go back. I've bought myself a Straight Talk prepaid unlimited talk, text and 30mb data for $45/month. I'll never be tied to a contract again, and Straight Talk has better reception because they run on Verizon's network which is nationwide, the service is so much better.

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