Palm Hack Broken by Apple - Palm Pre Ads on Pandora

pre ad pandora.jpgThe latest version of iTunes, won't sync with the Palm Pre. Apple has blocked the work-around that allowed  the Palm Pre work as an iPod. So what does Palm do?  Find music listeners, who get their music in ways other than iTunes. 

A funny thing happened while Tom Waits sang "There's a Place for Us" on Pandora Internet radio.  A Palm Pre ad appeared on the side of Pandora's box, offering me concerts in my area.

Now here's where is gets interesting, one of the concerts is a Adobe Photo Shop CS3 Combo at a Computer Center in Culver City.  Other concerts by me, included the Play Off Game # 2 at the Epicenter in Rancho Cucamonga.

I was wondering if the music selection had something to do with the  so, turned the station to Brave Combo's "In Heaven There is No Beer," a lively punk polka which showed a Net Flix ad after which followed a Weight Watcher's ad. Perhaps beer drinkers need to go on diets?

Then while reading the Brave Combo bio, I saw another Palm Pre ad which showed a video an and then took over the sound with its pulsing endless beat for a minute or more.

Palm Pre concert ad was interactive in that I could mouse over the buttons that
then sent me to Apparently, Palm is going after the
streaming radio crowd.

Research from comScore showed that Palm Pre
interactive ads worked.  So you eclectic music polka-holics, the Palm
Pre may just be the smarphone for you. Hey wait, now while Crosby,
Still and NAsh is paly, I write this an ad popped up from Boost Mobile,
"Hey, Pasadena...Say hello to Boost's $50 nationwide unlimited talk,
text and web   Say goobye to Metro PCS."