Verizon has launched teaser ads on what Droid does and iPhone doesn't. They really pick on all the the features lacked on the iPhone:
iDon't have a real keyboard.
iDon't take night shots.
iDon't take 5 megapixel photos.
iDon't allow open development.
iDon't do simultaneous apps.
iDon't do customization.
iDon't run simultaneous apps.
Droid Does:
- Multitasking.
- Hi Speed.
- Hi-Res.
- 5 megapixels.
- Speech recognition
- Notifitication panel
- Directions.
- Video.
- Tunes.
- 10,000 apps.
- The Network.
All these features have been revealed in Android 2 (Eclair) and more. The video follows the sung that plays sings "Oh it's magic..