Meteoric Growth of Droid Shown in AdMob Metrics


The meteoric growth of Droid is shown in AdMob's latest metrics on November 18th, the Droid already represented 24% of the traffic in our
Android network and the Motorola CLIQ generated 6% of Android requests.  In the AdMob latest report of  major mobile Operating Systems and
the distribution of requests across top devices that run on them in the
October 2009 AdMob Mobile Metrics Report, more operating systems are taking hold.

Highlights from the October 2009 AdMob Mobile Metrics Report include:

  • In October 2009, 70 percent of iPhone OS requests came from the
    iPhone while the remaining 30 percent came from the iPod touch.
  • In the US, the RIM 8300 Curve and 8100 Pearl series devices have
    consistently remained in the Top 20 devices over the last two years. In
    the UK, the 9000 Bold and 8900 Curve have seen strong growth and are
    now the number 10 and 11 devices, respectively.
  •  In the US,
    Android had 20
    percent share of smartphone traffic, up from seven
    percent six months before, and the HTC Magic (myTouch 3G) and HTC Dream
    were both Top 10 devices. In the UK, the HTC Dream, HTC Magic, and HTC
    Hero are all Top 10 devices in the AdMob network.
  • The Motorola
    CLIQ has also seen fast pickup since its launch at T-Mobile in the US
    and generated six percent of Android traffic on November 18.


top Symbian and Windows Mobile devices have not changed in 2009 and
both platforms have lost smartphone share. One of Nokia's first
touchscreen models, the 5800 XpressMusic, is the one of the few
newcomers to the list of Top 20 Symbian devices in 2009.

iPhone, Palm and RIM OS's
all run exclusively on devices manufactured by those companies, while
the Android, Symbian and Windows Mobile OS's run on devices from a
variety of manufacturers.

New devices from RIM are generating an increasing percentage of the
total number of requests for the platform. The recently launched RIM
devices that are gaining traction are the Tour and new versions of the
Curve (8900 and 8520). The older 8100 Pearl series has seen its share
of RIM traffic steadily decrease from 28 percent in April to 16 percent
in October. However, the 8300 Curve series has maintained approximately
44 percent share over the last six months.

The Android Operating System is a relative newcomer, having turned one year old in October.

Worldwide requests from Android devices increased 5.8 times since
April 2009 in the AdMob network. The HTC Dream (G1) has continued to
experience strong growth over the past six months and the launch of new
devices is driving significant incremental growth in Android traffic.
The Motorola Droid already represented 24 percent of all Android
requests in AdMob's network two weeks after it launched.

AdMob stores and analyzes handset and operator data from every ad
request in its network of more than 15,000 mobile Web sites and
applications to optimize ad serving. Each month, the AdMob Mobile
Metrics Report aggregates this data to provide insights into major
trends in the mobile ecosystem. The AdMob share is calculated by the
percentage of requests received from a particular handset; it is a
measure of relative mobile Web and application usage and does not
represent handset sales. See additional detail on methodology of the
report at

Visit AdMob's Metrics Report site ( to
access the full October 2009 report, view past reports, or sign up to
get an email notification when future reports become available.