Mobile Users Aren't Finding Satisfaction in Search, Says Xiam


Users rely on search engines to discover content but it often doesn't come up with the goods notes a new Mobile Content Discovery Report from Xiam Research by TNS Global. Users are  have having trouble accessing content, getting in quickly, search engines are preferred by mobile web browsers and they would buy more it was easier to get.

The study shows there are many indications that their mobile content usage is being limited by problems experienced. Here's the summary of problems experienced.

  • 80% report some difficulty or problem when trying to access content.
  • Most frustrated by time required to access the content they want - slow page loads, the need to click through too many pages, and having to navigate through irrelevant content.
  • Overall, the provider's content store/portal is used less often than other methods to obtain content but is used more by downloader's and apps fans.


  • Mobile web browsers prefer to use search engines, bookmarked sites or to enter URLs directly.
  • There
    is a great opportunity to increase time and money spent on mobile web
    browsing and content by facilitating personalized content discovery.
    63% say they would spend more time and/or money if content was
    personalized and easy to get to.
  • Users
    tend to access the same categories of content repeatedly, rather than
    branching out to new categories/applications but are open to
    recommendations within categories.

Google and Yahoo are the top sites used followed by carriers,, Facebook, CNN, MSN, phone-makers, ESPN, and MySpace.

Download the report.