Mplayit unveiled its "playable" app
store not on the web, but on Facebook. The social networking will help
to build mobile app discovery among consumers in a way that can
potentially challenge the App Store.
Mplayit introduces
"playable discovery" for the iPhone today in its new Facebook app store
and said it would add Android and Blackberry in the coming months.
Rather than hunting and pecking for reviews and top lists, the Facebook
page shows real "apptivity" that is going on in app stores so users can
see which apps are receiving the most downloads, reviews and plays. In
coming weeks, mobile users will also be able to see the "apptivity"
within their social network so they can clearly see which apps their
friends and family are most interested in. Integrating the "playable
discovery" experience within a mobile users social network is a
powerful combination that could alter discovery and interaction in the
face of skyrocketing numbers of mobile applications.
is not yet another iPhone app designed to simply reshuffle an already
existing app store," said Michael Powers, Founder and CEO of MPlayit.
"Instead Mplayit brings playable discovery to the web browser on your
desktop and mobile device. The result is a much deeper and more
enjoyable trial and share experience than can be accomplished on the
mobile device alone."
The solution goes beyond just rankings
and lists to offer a richer discovery experience by providing thousands
of videos and simulations, so that users can see just exactly how apps
or games will perform on their iPhone.
This same playable
discovery experience is deeply integrated into the social networking
experience. Users can link to simulations and videos of their favorite
games directly on their social networking pages. And mobile users can
easily share with Facebook Friends or Twitter Followers their own
rankings, ratings reviews and favorites.
"The mobile content
experience has become an ever increasing part of our social
interactions but until now that experience hasn't really been
integrated into the social graph," Powers said.
The company
already helps major network operators and publishersoffer playable
discovery for feature phone games and apps and has hosted more than 15
million game plays since opening that portion of its site earlier this
Mplayit expects to add playable discovery for Android,
BlackBerry and other leading, smartphone platforms in the coming
months, eventually offering mobile consumers the only one-stop mobile
apps megastore for purchasing content for any mobile device.
About Mplayit
Mplayit is the leading global provider for online discovery and social
merchandising of mobile games and applications. The company's
proprietary software solutions enable mobile content providers to
better merchandise, market, and interact with a targeted user audience
of mobile consumers.