The Top Ten Best Cheapest Black Friday (Weekend) and Cyber Monday Cell Phone and Smartphone Deals


BlackFridayDeals.jpgThe Black Friday, Weekend and Cyber Monday cell phone and smartphone deal list is the best we've seen in years.  The quality and power of the cell phones offered for free, a penny or cheap are well-discounted.

 Update November 23, 2014:The incredible Samsung Galaxy S5 for $1 deal is now live at Best Buy for Black Friday 2014. iPad Air 2 deals are coming and we suspect that will sell out quickly. T-Mobile started its deals. Virgin Mobile has cut prices, already. Verizon deals are on the horizon. AT&T has not announced its daily deals. However, Sprint has some new deals ready

Let's take a look at the contenders for the top Ten best online deals for Black Friday through Cyber Monday. 

Verizon, as we earlier noted, has a bunch of deals under $30. The HTC Ozone is  9.99 (which qualifies for a $100 HTC smartphone trade-in) the Gateway netbook is knocked down to $29.99. If you are in a BlackBerry mood you can opt for a Buy One Get One Free Blackberry Pearl Flip.

AT AT&T BlackFriday is for free touchscreens, BlackBerry Saturday, Messaging Sunday and Super-Cyber Monday. T-Mobile  is cutting $50 off the  BlackBerry Bold 9700, Motorola CLIQ and Samsung Highlight.

Over at Wirefly, is offering for 99 cents the BlackBerry Storm2 and Free BlackBerry Bold 9700 sale, and $79.99 Samsung Moment.

RadioShack cell phone deals include a free BlackBerry 8520 and $29.99 Samsung Impression along with other sale cell phones.

The HTC $100 smartphone trade-in rebate doesn't starts on Black Friday, November 27.

The Motorola online store is offering $40 off of the unlocked Droid by Motorola
making in $559.99 instead of $599.99.

AND the best cheapest, most compellling selling cell phone deals for Black Friday, Weekend and Cyber Monday are:

We'll start at the lowest rated and go up from there. Be sure to remember all of the deals require a commitment to two year contract.

For those calculated types who also look at monthly service and have good coverage in T-Mobile areas check out the:
10. Free  BlackBerry 8520 at RadioShack or
9. $50 off at T-Mobile for the BlackBerry Bold 9700, Motorola CLIQ and Samsung Highlight.

The Best Sprint Deals:
8. Samsung Moment
over the weekend at Wirefly for $79.99.

The Best Free Deals for Business Smartphone Users for a Penny:
7. Cyber Monday at AT&T with the Nokia e71x, Sony Cybershot, BlackBerry Curve 8900, Pantech Reveal, or Samsung Jack rotating for a penny.

For recycling types who already have a smartphone to trade-in want something either very cheap, or the keyboardastic HTC Touch Pro2 combine:
6. The HTC $100 smartphone trade in with
5. $9.99 HTC Ozone (make 99.01 on the deal) at Verizon or $199 HTC Touch Pro2 at Verizon.  If you don't want to wait for rebates use the Wireless and Mobile News' Verizon online coupon-link to get the rebate instantly with an online purchase.

All Around Best Deals All from Wirefly:
4. Free AT&T Activation at Wirefly.
3. Free Verizon Activation at Wirefly.
2. 99 cent BlackBerry Storm2 (on Friday, $9.99 rest of weekend) this smartphone usually sells for $179.99 at Verizon, but Wirefly has cut the price of this well-reviewed touchscreen BlackBerry down to a record low.
1. Free BlackBerry 9700 BOLD from AT&T - the smartphone was only available from AT&T since Monday and sells for $199.

Don't forget to get the free 2 GB memory card. Wirefly - Get a Free 2GB Memory Card enter coupon code WIREFLYMEMCARD7 at checkout.

Happy Thanksgiving BlackFriday and Beyond Shopping! Wirefly - Free AT&T BlackBerry Bold 9700 Smartphone