Originally, the Buy a Droid, or Droid Eris and get a free Droid Eris deal was supposed to end on December 24. Verizon has reinstated their buy a Droid or Droid Eris by HTC and get a Droid Eris deal. It's part of Verizon's Current Promotions
The Droid by Motorola has gotten excellent reviews. It came in second in The Wireless Mobile News' Top Ten Best Smartphones of 2009 Review of Reviews. It
has voice search and turn-by-turn directions. Featuring Google's
Android 2.0 operating system, the DROID boasts a large and brilliant
display, and is fully customizable with apps downloaded from the
Android Market. The voice search on all Droid phones is a major asset. It is packed with cool time-saving features.
The Droid Eris by HTC has also gotten great reviews.
The Droid Eris by HTC came in fourth place in our Top Ten Best Smartphones of 2009 review. It has 528MHz Qualcomm processor, a 320x480 screen, and Android 1.5. This
touchscreen-only smartphone also has HTC enhanced Touch Sense UI,
visual voicemail, Wi-Fi, MS Exchange Sync, Media Uploader(for Facebook,
Flickr, Picas, Gmail,) Google services, news widgets, and Footprints
Geo-tagging for photos. The HTML Browser supports Flash Lite. The Droid
Eris by HTC comes with 8 GB MicroSD card, Bluetooth, 5 megapixel camera.
Currently, Verizon is also offering a Buy One BlackBerry Get Any Free BlackBerry or Device deal. If you buy one BlackBerry Storm2, you can get another BlackBerry or mobile broadband device for FREE.
The added advantage of buying online is that when you buy the
BlackBerry Storm2 online, you get the rebate included and only have
to payout. You can get another BlackBerry device or mobile broadband device such as the MiFi or a Gateway netbook for free after rebates. If you were thinking of getting a netbook, anyway, this is the best, top, cheapest deal for you.
has also been reported that if you bought Droid from Verizon in the
past 30 days, you would still be able to get this super cheap deal and