Attention drivers in Illinois, New Hampshire and Oregon, texting while driving will be illegal in your states starting tommorrow.
On January 1, 2010 a Driving While Texting ban will go into effect Illinois, New Hampshire and Oregon.
Vlingo makes voice control and dictation apps for smartphones and their studies show talking to your phone is wanted and would be a lot easier..
Vlingo delivers a voice interface and technology that allows users to instantly access services and content on their device. These services include the ability send text and email messages, call contacts, search the Web, update your Facebook or Twitter status and much more by just speaking into their phone.
Vlingo's Consumer Mobile Messaging Habits Report focused on consumer texting habits, about drivers and here's what they found:
--45% of those surveyed from Illinois would send more text messages if they could have their words translated into the body of a text message.
--When this survey released in May 2009, 30% of the respondents already thought that Illinois had a DWT ban and 40% were unsure.
--Nearly 20% admitted to texting from their car and 44% admitted to reading text messages while driving.
--86% thought that DWT should be illegal. 35% thought DWT should be legal if there was a hands free solution available and nearly 75% of the respondents said they would use a hands free solution.
New Hampshire
—50% of New Hampshire respondents use their mobile phone to text message and 48% of the respondents send more than 25 text messages per month.
—38% said they would send more text messages if they could simply speak into their mobile phone and have their words translated to text.
—At the time of the survey nearly 40% of the respondents did not know if New Hampshire banned texting.
—20% admitting to sending at least one text message per day and nearly 60% admitting to reading incoming messages while driving.
—80% of New Hampshire residents think that DWT should be illegal. 30% think it should be legal if there is a hands free solution available and over 60% of the respondents would use a hands free solution.
—Nearly 40% of the respondents indicated that they send more text messages than make phone calls.
—If there was a solution that would let them speak into their phones and have their words translated into the body of a text message, 40% of the respondents would send more text messages.
—At the time of this survey, over 25% of the respondents did know if Oregon banned DWT.
—Over 50% admitting reading incoming text messages while driving and over 20% admitted to driving while texting.
—Over 75% of the respondents indicated that they thought DWT should be illegal. 40% thought DWT should legal if a hands free solution was available and over 60% said they would use a hands free solution.
Vlingo is available for most current BlackBerry smartphones, Apple’s iPhone, Nokia S60 phones and select Windows Mobile phones.