Android an' Droid Dev Updates 2Day: Android SDK 2.1 Available


Google and the Android Developer community have released the latest SDK for Android, Update 2.1. Although it is considered a minor change the changes are in the API development tools.

Here's a list of the new API and capabilites.

  • Live Wallpapers API to develop "sentience" live wallpapers,
  • New Telephony SignalStrength class provides information about the device's current network signal.
  • New View methods isOpaque() and onDrawScrollBars(Canvas).
  • New RemoteViews methods addView(int, RemoteViews) and removeAllViews(int).
  • New ViewGroup methods isChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled() and setChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled(boolean).
  • New WebStorage methods to manipulate web storage databases.
  • New GeolocationPermissions methods to get Geolocation permissions from, and set them on the WebView.
  • New WebSettings methods to manage settings for app cache, web storage, and zooming based on screen density.
  • New WebChromeClient methods for handling video, browsing history, custom Views, app cache limits, and more.