Foursquare is mobile friend finder, meet n' great game by the creator of DodgeBall, Dennis Crowley. Foursquare is now available as a beta BlackBerry app as well as iPhone app, via text, Facebook or the mobile web. It's kind of like, Twitter with benefits, you can earn reward points and receive promotions from restaurants. In fact Foursquare was mentioned on Dr. Phil.
create a network of friends in the service. When friends arrive at a
nightclub or other social hotspot, they "check in" to Foursquare via a
text message, mobile web or the smartphone
apps. In other words, the way Foursquare puts it, "tell us where you are and we'll tell your friends where to find you".
earn points and badges. Frequent attendees to certain night spots get
to be the mayor of the joint. Currently, Foursquare is available in
Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and more cities are added.
To download the app, open this link from your BlackBerry:
BlackBerry works with 8000 & 9000 series devices ( anything with a
trackball). If you have a BlackBerry Storm, this version will work but
they will have special version optimized for these touch screen
BlackBerries in the future. This version will not work on older
Blackberry's (those without a trackball or touch screen.)
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