Viralheat is a service that monitors the viral buzz on hot topics and brands. They cover Twitter, blog posts and video. We checked today to see how well Apple and iPad did with Viralheat after the iPad announcement and all the information about its gestures. Although Apple had 3 of the top five “brand spots,” Apple came in after T-Mobile and before God.
When we looked closely the popularity of T Mobile Apple on Saturday, it was declining and so was the
God brand. Maybe T-Mobile, Apple and God all take the weekends off?
God brand. Maybe T-Mobile, Apple and God all take the weekends off?
These facts could be mind-blogging for a theologian, since when did God become a brand? How could God be less viral than the iPad? You can see other viral trends in the rest of this article. Apple’s influence even shows up in “God” search terms.
People definitely like to Twitter about T-Mobile, the iPad and God.
Another place to look for search trends is look at Google Insights for Search. Apple has its influence there too. The break-out search for T-Mobile is for T-Mobile and iPad. In the God search there is a search for “i_God.”